
As Goa completes 60 years of liberation on December 19, 2021, the Goa Fire & Emergency Services will usher in its 37th year of eventful existence. For the department, this affords an opportunity to inform and educate the public on what it has done as first responders in saving lives and property. The directorate has looked at its past to chart the way forward. With that as an underlying idea, it has put together all the essential elements of this coffee table book. Despite being a small state, Goa is famous for its great tourism potential. The past decades have also witnessed rapid urbanization, industrial and infrastructural growth. Consequently, the risk factor has risen manifold, evident in the pattern of fire and emergency incidents. From 286 fire incidents in 1984, we’ve jumped to 1388 in 2021 so far. Goa witnessed 17412 fire incidents and 23035 non-fire incidents between 2004-2013. That number rose to 20387 fire incidents and 34361 non-fire incidents between 2014-2021. The directorate has handled every incident to its best capabilities. Its interactive website (dfes.goa.gov.in) offers a glimpse into our progress over the years, and citizens are encouraged to offer suggestions and views from time to time so they can be incorporated. At the directorate, we look at each day as a new challenge to face as a service to mankind. The Fire & Emergency Services is a noble profession guided by the motto ‘We Serve to Save’, which calls for absolute dedication. Click to View: https://issuu.com/asteriskadvertising/docs/goa_state_fire_force_flipbook
