
The Special Course in General Fire Prevention & Fire Fighting of Batch No. XXXI for Employees of Taj Group of Hotels was conducted by this Directorate w.e.f 24.01.2024 to 07.02.2024, wherein 29 Trainees from across the State of India have successfully undergone 15 days Training. The Training was comprised of both Theoretical and Practical Classes.

Shri Nitin Raiker, Director, Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services, Panaji, was the Chief Guest for the valedictory function & Shri Rajendra A. Haldankar, Dy. Director (Fire), Shri. Anmol Ahluwalia, Area Director, Operations Goa, and Shri. Savio Dmello Manager, Liaison & Administration Goa attended the function. The Director in his speech congratulated Shri. Unaiz Khan, Miss. Soujanya and Shri. Subhash Singh Kanwal for securing 1st, 2nd & 3rd place in the Theory & Practical Training assessment, he also wished the other candidates and requested them to share the training imparted to their colleagues at their respective work place and also to maintain the discipline.

During the training the trainees were subjected to various topics on Fire Prevention and Protection Measures such as Fixed Fire Fighting Installation, Evacuation Drill Procedure, Technological Advancement in the field of Fire Fighting, Disaster Management etc. The Department till date has successfully Trained 770 Trainees from Taj Group of Hotels.

Shri. Ravi H. Naik, Station Fire Officer compered the function and Shri. Bosco Ferrao, Asst. Divisional Officer, (North Zone) proposed the Vote of Thanks.

