
Disaster is a sudden, extremely unfortunate event that affects many people. A major disaster is primarily an incident which causes or threatens multiple deaths and injuries or severe disruption and which is beyond normal capacities of Fire, Police and Ambulances Services. Taking into consideration the immense damage caused by natural disaster, it is necessary to take concerted action for reduction of loss of life and property damage and social and economic disruption caused by natural disasters. Disaster Management is a dynamic process involving many organizations which must work together to prevent, prepare for, respond to and recover from the effects of disasters. In short, every organisation must have concern for minimizing the adverse impact of the disaster on people through preparedness and by bringing in the right technology to bear in a timely, coordinated and effective manner. The Directorate of Fire & Emergency Services provides timely assistance to the people in distress. Historically Disaster Management are assigned to Fire Services by virtue of the equipment’s and manpower available with them for such response. The brief information about the Fire Stations, nearest water resources, cyclone shelters equipment’s and manpower available for disaster response is geo-tagged in the Map.