
  • To prevent and suppress unwanted fires by rendering prompt and efficient services so as to keep the loss of life and property to the minimum.

  • To conduct fire safety inspection in hazardous occupancies and to advise Management so as to reduce risk by fire.

  • To impart training in Fire Prevention, Fire Fighting and Fire Protection.

  • To implement fire safety regulatory measures under Fire Service Rules for uses of places and trades for purposes inter-alia involving risk from fires.

  • To provide stand by protection at large gatherings and important public and private functions.

  • To check the installation of Fire Protection measures and carry out Firefighting and responding to non-fire emergencies due to natural and man-made disasters. 

  • To prevent loss of life and property from fire and non-fire emergencies like highway motor accidents, building collapse, landslides, still water rescue, Industrial hazards, spillage and toxic release, inter-ail technological hazards and to render humanitarian services and special services. 

  • To promote Community based preventive and coping strategies for all kinds of emergencies including fire etc.