

The Directorate of Fire & Emergency Website is the face of the Government disseminating government information and services. This content Review Policy has been formulated to keep the content on the Website current and up-to-date. Since the type of content on the Directorate of Fire & Emergency Website varies, different review timelines are defined for the diverse content elements.

This Review Policy is based on different types of content elements, their validity and relevance as well as the archival policy.

The entire website content shall be reviewed in a phased manner over 180 days to ensure the currency of the content. The exception to the above is listed below:

    Content Review Timeline:

Home Page, About Us, Objectives & Vision, Recruitment, Organisation & Control, Contact Us As and when required
Citizen Charter, RTI, Acts & Rules, Orders-Circulars-Memos, Notifications, Events, Tenders-Auctions As and when required
Live Calls Real-Time
Interactive Dashboard, Daily Situation Report Daily
State Disaster Response Plan, Disaster Response 1 year
Ease of Doing Business (EoDB), Important Resources, Safety Guidelines As and when required
Safe Goa 24x7 EMS No review required
Training Facilities, Training Courses, Disaster Risk Reduction As and when required
Fire Publications, Evacuation Drills As and when required
News Clippings As and when required
Statistics 1 year